Sunday, July 10, 2011

Danger Is My Business

1.d4 is one of the best possible first moves. I play it often myself. As Black we have to choose a playable defence. Traditionally I have played either 1.d4 d5 or 1...Nf6 or 1...f5. Wisnewski recommends 1.d4 d5 followed by 2...Nc6. My choice of 1...Nc6 is very provocative. Avrukh considers one line I play "dangerous".

Danger brings its own level of excitement which makes chess fun! We don't want to be too risky. The Englund Gambit 1.d4 e5?! takes on more danger than I usually feel comfortable playing; but I have played 1...e5?! 150 times as Black, most in blitz games vs weaker opponents. My performance rating with the Englund is much lower than with other variations.

The naming of 1.d4 Nc6 is difficult. Generally it goes by Queen's Knight Defence when Black plays 2.d5, but specific lines have specific names. 2.e4 transposes to the Nimzowitsch Defence. 2.c4 d5 is the Chigorin; while 2.c4 e5 is the Mikenas.

The time wasted by Black moving the same piece over and over is balanced by White pushing pawns instead of developing. The danger is on both sides of the board. If you frequently play 1.d4 Nc6 as Black, you will come to know the typical positions much better than those who play White. The danger cuts both ways and the fight is on!

1 comment:

  1. Nice game ! By the way do you know why some authors think that it is better to play 1.d4 Nc6 2.d5 Ne5 3.f4 Ng6 4.e4 e6 5.dxe6 dxe6!?
    instead of 5. ...fxe6 !? I understood that the ending without queens is good for the black side but i prefer to keep the queens on board, don't you think so ?
